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I 18 Collegi del Mondo Unito offrono un'esperienza unica di apprendimento e crescita personale.


Scopri il bando per Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati 2025-27.




  •   "La sicurezza di sé nei propri sforzi, la modestia nel successo, la grazia nella sconfitta, l'equità nella rabbia, il giudizio chiaro anche nell'amarezza dell'...

  •   "Considero il principale compito dell'educazione quello di assicurare la sopravvivenza di queste qualità: una curiosità intraprendente, uno spirito invincibile, la te...

  • I Collegi del Mondo Unito (United World Colleges - UWC) sono un movimento globale che rende l’educazione una forza per unire popoli, nazioni e culture per la pace e per un futuro sostenibile.&n...

18 Collegi
nel mondo

Cosa sta accadendo nel movimento UWC

    • "(RE)Defining Equality"

      14 JULY - 27 JULY 2025 

    • "Amazônia 360: Sustainability & Community in the Brazilian Rainforest"

      14-24 JULY 2025

      UWC Amazonia 360 is a transformative 11-day short course in Manaus and the Tumbira community of Rio Negro, Brazil. Designed for young changemakers aged 15 to 17, the course delves into sustainability, the history of the region and its people, and the deep connections between humans and the environment.

      Using deep dialogue and restorative justice, participants will explore their place in the world, engage in social justice discussions, and take action on contemporary environmental challenges in the Amazon.

      What to Expect

      Participants will experience six key pillars of UWC short courses:

      • Social Awareness – Understanding the complexities of sustainability in the Amazon.
      • Personal Development – Exploring identity and self-reflection.
      • Outdoor Learning – Immersive nature experiences in one of the most biodiverse places on Earth.
      • Active Participation & Service – Collaborating with local communities on sustainability projects.


      The program includes three core themes:

      1. Me & the World: Environmental sustainability, activism, and Amazonian ecosystems.
      2. Who Am I?: Identity, positionality, and historical narratives of the region.
      3.  Me & the Other: Learning from local leaders, engaging in community dialogue, and giving back.


      Location: Manaus & Tumbira, Amazonas, Brazil
      Dates: 14–24 July 2025
      Language: Portuguese

      Applications: Fill out the application form here. 

      Application Deadline: 31 March 2025.

      Total cost: $3,885 USD (R$ 22,575.00). This amount does not include transportation to Manaus-AM.

      Financial Assistance
      We will offer a limited number of spots with financial assistance, subject to an assessment of actual need and the submission of supporting documentation.

      For more details on our website, get in touch via email or Instagram.

    • "Doing Good (Hybrid)"

      7 - 23 JULY 2025

    • "Віо Карпенко"

    • "Zhooben Bhiwandiwala"

      Mr. Zhooben Bhiwandiwala is currently the Executive Director & CEO – Mahindra Holdings Limited. 

      Zhooben joined the Mahindra Group in 1985, and through a remarkable 38-year career has acquired a wide spectrum of experience across diverse roles in a number of key positions in several business sectors. As a long-standing veteran, he has traversed an interesting path across the Group during the past three decades -- in terms of the diversity of roles, their geographic reach and location, and the industry verticals.

      He has, during this tenure, acquired broad ranging cross-functional experience across several industries, and his active roles have embraced finance, legal, significant cross border M&A, HR, marketing, strategy and other commercial functions.  Zhooben has spent around 7 years on deputation to international assignments in the UK and US, and has, throughout the span of his career, been extensively involved in international operations, incubating/investing in new businesses, start-ups, joint ventures and mergers & acquisitions. He was also an active participant in several Group corporate initiatives and was the Chairman of the HR Academy at the Mahindra Learning University.
      Currently, Zhooben is a Director on the Boards of East India Company (UK), Mahindra Holdings, Mahindra Foundation UK, Mumbai Mantra, United World College, Mahindra International School, The Mahindra United World College of India. He is also a member of the Global Advisory Board of i-Probono, UK, and Safe Kids Foundation, India.

      In his earlier role, as President of the Mahindra Partners Division, Zhooben was the Chief architect of the Mahindra Partners division - the $1 Bn Private Equity and Venture Capital division of the Mahindra Group, which was the single window channel for all the Group’s diversified new investments. This Division leveraged the Mahindra Group’s unique strengths of constant innovation, financial prudence and creative business models to incubate new ventures and accelerate value creation through a diversified global portfolio of emergent businesses spanning various industry sectors like Cleantech (Solar), Steel, Retail, Consulting, Healthcare, Boat Manufacturing, Conveyor Systems, AI & Analytics. 

      Zhooben additionally held the position of President -Mahindra Group Legal during this tenure. 

      While professionally qualified as a Chartered Accountant, he has, through these exposures, collected a rich basket of experience and made valuable contributions to the Mahindra Group.

    • "Building a Sustainable Future (Online)"

      28 JULY - 11 AUGUST 2025

    • "Embodying Earth: Leadership for a Regenerative Future"

      30 JUNE - 12 JULY 2025

    • "Entrevista a egresada de LPC"

    • "Multiculturalidad y Educación"

    • "Apertura del Proceso de Seleccion 2021 - 2023"

    • "Belinda Kinneally"


    • "Jeremy Cooper"


    • "Anne Hawkins"


    • "UWC ISAK Japan Short Course Summer School"

      20 JULY - 1 AUGUST 2025 

    • "Global Leadership Experience (GLE)"

      2 AUGUST - 16 AUGUST 2025

    • "Just Dilijan It: Attitude and Relationship Lab"

      3 JULY – 16 JULY & 20 JULY – 2 AUGUST

    • "Building a Sustainable Future (in-person)"

      28 JUNE – 17 JULY 

    • "Mini UWC"

      27 JULY – 4 AUGUST 

    • "Transforming Identity"

      11 AUGUST – 21 AUGUST

    • "WRITE THE WORLD: Using Creative Writing to Engage with Current Events"

      3 MAY - 28 JUNE 2025